Go To A Movie Alone
Ok so again, this doesn’t seem like a huge deal- but going to a movie alone is something I always wanted to do, but somehow never got the “guts” to try it. I decided that if I was going to do this, it had to be all out- not a Sunday Matinee or a movie that had been out for 8 weeks. No, I wanted to a Friday night- top blockbuster. So I got myself ready and headed out to see “42” on a Friday night.
Ok so again, this doesn’t seem like a huge deal- but going to a movie alone is something I always wanted to do, but somehow never got the “guts” to try it. I decided that if I was going to do this, it had to be all out- not a Sunday Matinee or a movie that had been out for 8 weeks. No, I wanted to a Friday night- top blockbuster. So I got myself ready and headed out to see “42” on a Friday night.
I also decided treat myself to dinner while at the movie. I ordered my classic… the chicken finger meal and got ready to enjoy. Movies have always been expensive but- I am a little upset how far my 15 dollars went for dinner. 15 bucks for four strips of chicken and a baby sized fries. Seriously- the skydome is cheaper than that and at least you get a good sized portion. My drink, however, was massive.
I was feeling pretty good about my night out alone. The only slight embarrassment was when I asked the ticket taker to snap a photo of me going in alone (for the sake of the blog). I told her it was for a blog- and then I had a few guys standing nearby ask me about it. They are potentially new followers now! Hey guys!
I sat in the front of the main section- So I could put my feet up on the metal bar- and I was as happy as a clam. I gorged down my food and loved every second of it. As I watched, what is currently my favourite movie of the year, I realized I would love to go to more movies by myself. I laughed hysterically at the funny moments, gasped when things shocked me and smiled when the leads kissed. Come on girls. You do it too. You see the happy couple kiss and you realize your face is hurting because you are smiling so hard. You turn and look at the people beside you and they are a little freaked out that you are still smiling. I dig that feeling. (This is how my face looked)
I know many of my friends who have yet to try the movie alone thing. Again, I have no idea why- somehow, we are made to think going to a movie is a group thing. It was no where near as bad as I expected, and was quite an enjoyable night. So- Would I do it again? My response is YES- but no! Here’s what I mean…I would go every day if I could. I enjoyed the “me time” and getting out of the house but between my 12 dollar ticket and my 16 dollar treat- I feel a little ripped off. Especially since the rest of my weekend- is booked up with dinner and drinks with friends where I will keep having to dish out my cash. When it comes to “me time” I still think I will spend most nights at home with Netflix and a pot of KD. It’s just cheaper- and then I can spend my money when I’m doing social outings- or when I want new clothes… But if there is a movie that I’m dying to see that no one will see with me… I’ll definitely be
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